In conversation with Leadership Coach - Namrata Dhasmana

We interviewed about guidance and her thoughts on Leadership, and she responded with other things too, that are useful for Leadership. Here are some interview talks we had :

1What was the major transformation period in your period?

Thank You Neel for this question. My transformation was when as a young lieutenant I got commissioned to Jammu and Kashmir. While being posted there on the first day, there was a mine blast on the convoy in which I was supposed to go. Where there were lots of injuries, I even lost a couple of people with whom I was having some enormous belly laughs just a day prior, and that made me realize the bigger responsibility life was unfolding for me as a Leader and as an officer. At the same time, I took it as an opportunity to drive my life more maturely and responsibly towards others and towards my team in Army, your team is your biggest strength and you are not only responsible to get work from them, but also owe a lot to them as a Leader and even responsible to look after their lives.
My second transformation was when while working in a BFSI organization and seeking an interview to raise my team. I realized out of 10 team members not even a single person is a woman. On questioning about the same to the recruiter, his reply was that I never asked for a woman team member. That was pretty amusing to me. For me, talent is a talent irrespective of any gender.
Where the first event developed me as a Leader, the second gave me perspectives that what damage to the industry, and there is so much more to do as such inequality in the minds is not healthy for our nation.

2 What is the Real Difference between Other Coaches and Leadership Coach?

There have been so many conversations about Leaders and Leadership Coach, Neel, and Leadership come with lots of responsibility, not only towards organization but first towards self to take on bigger responsibilities, to develop themselves. To integrate their personal and professional life and much more. Coming back to your question of differentiating between other coaches and Leadership coaches, it is imperative to understand the requirements of Leaders. Coaching Conversations make them realize the vacuum that they have in their lives, in spite of having a huge bank balance. There are many models like GROW, DISC, etc which are not meant for Leadership coaching. Leadership Coaching is about bridging the gap in the purpose of their lives and making them think big and not restricting to transactional issues. It’s about building the traits of servant leadership, thinking global and acting local, a resilient mindset, and many more. Leaders often lack in handling difficult conversations and there a true Leadership Coach guides and help them to be effective Leader.

3 Would you like to share the importance of certificates in this field?

Certifications are really important as it gives a wide the spectrum of following ethics related to coaching. It is a framework that advocates what is to be done but also specifies what is not to be done and that makes coaching different from consulting and mentoring.
Yet, it is upon a coach also how well have they develop themselves in life and taken life to coach Leaders to develop them.

4 Please share about great things you learned from your Seniors.

First- Never believe what others say about people. When it comes to people use their own wisdom to understand them.
Second- Never push any person to the extent, that they react.

5 How to deal with hectic schedules, do you have any secret mantra?

Smiles…The secret mantra is self-awareness. Know your core values and what drives you. You will know the purpose of your life and your reasons for doing certain things and not doing certain things. Rest, when you are driven with passion nothing is hectic, it is an abundance of work that you enjoy doing.

6 What are the key things you adopted when you relocated to different zones?

Diverse Mindset, Respect for people, and being observant.

7Please share about most memorable feedback.

From Army- "I give anything and everything to Namrata which cannot be done by anyone."
Incorporate- "Don’t look for perfectionism, just execute it."

8Any message to young leaders?

Develop yourself and invest in your mindsets. Everything is in the mind. Challenge your primitive belief system and take charge of your life.
There is no shortcut to success.