The Why tribes of North East are annoyed in their own country?

Hans News Service | 17 Jan 2023 1:00 AM IST
North East plays a pivotal role of strategic importance in the geography of India.

North East plays a pivotal role of strategic importance in the geography of India. The geography of these states is covered with big mountains that guard the borders against foreign nationals. Spanning the area ofan international border of 5,182 kilometres (about 99 per cent of its total geographical boundary) with several neighbouring countries. Not only do they guard, but they also have the potential to boost the economic power of India.but Arunachal Pradesh also has the potential to provide Hydro Power to the entire region of North East and be the most prosperous state of India. Yet the tribes are annoyed and still yearning for their acceptance.

Vernacular Politics in North East India.

With Arunachal Pradesh at 63.66%, Manipur: at 34.41%, and Tripura: at 30.94% of populated tribes. We know the insurgency of Tripura was so strong that even ONGC could not establish itself way back in 2018. The fear of the 7 sisters state is the diversity within themselves. The diversity is also the religious split and culture within the states. Assam has a diversity of Hindus and Muslims. Nagaland has a diversity of Christians and Hindus. Thesestates have been neglected since Liberated East Pakistan, now Bangladesh. The saga begins after partition and since then they have remained neglected in the development which has resulted in a Trust deficit. Some of the tribes in Nagaland

The tribe fears Trust Deficit because of their past experiences. They have been betrayed in the business while exporting Organic Coffee and not being paid well to them. The status of minorities and inequality has never been able to gain that confidence among their own fellow citizens and the fear continues in them.

Money rules the voting power. Even though the tribes are aware, they will always vote for their tribe. After every 40 km, there is another tribe with their culture and autonomy. The inter-tribal conflicts adversely affect their conflict and development in North East India. The state faces ethnic conflicts and challenges between tribes with an intent to take over civil society. In all ways, they wish to bring peace by winning the hearts of people and wish to remove foreign elements. Paradoxically, if the tribes are not able to achieve their will, they even don't mind to thrust over their power onto the locals. Slowly these tribes make their own political party and struggle to get autonomy. Due to a lack of development, Army has been a binding force in the region. They have tried to cut the clutter of the past and instil faith in their own nation.The leadership of Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee took many initiatives to bring progress and uplift the state. As a matter of fact, he was the first Leader who realized the potential and significance of NE.

Improving the Micro Economics with the Diversity of India.

We as a country adopted an Anti-Chinese model of encouraging government colleges and IIMs and IITs in these states, even though we still need an Inner line Permit to explore the untapped tribals of North Eastern States which are one of the loyalists and friendly people if treated with respect and humility.The strength of India is its diverse people, and rich, potential geography. It is high time to understand the diversity of Indiaand understand the study of the behaviour of individuals in economicsto further develop India. They have already sung the song of despair and decades of freedom and acceptance. And it's the need of the hour to expand the space for minorities in our states.Majorly as agro-basedstates with fertile soil organic coffee and fruits like Pineapple are grown organically here. The fertile land is a mark of prosperity and potential for their growth. Weaving and Handlooms are yet another skill set that the locals have their expertise in.With fear gearing up in the locals of North Eastern states, whether it is a region of problems orcontinues to keep it neglected, it is yet every responsibility of fellow citizens to extend a sense of inclusivity and contribute to taking ahead the microeconomics of India.